Online Fellowship Essay Review 

Getting regular feedback on your draft fellowship essays is a crucial part of the application process. Fellowship Trek provides high level feedback on the two main fellowship application essays: the Research Proposal/Statement of Purpose and the Personal Statement. Note that each essay is reviewed separately unless you purchase the 1 Hour Call where we can discuss up to two essays.

High level feedback focuses on the big picture: how well does the essay answer the prompt? Does it provide substantive examples of experiences and skills related to your proposed project? Does it convey your unique background, perspective, values, and strengths? Is it organized effectively? Is there a clear through line that connects your experiences and qualifications to your project and the mission of the fellowship program? I will include minor feedback on grammar, but will not copy edit the draft.

If you choose E-mail Essay Review, I will provide two rounds of written feedback via e-mail. Once you purchase a ticket, you will receive an email inviting you to submit your draft essay for review. I will provide feedback within 5 business days from the day I receive your draft. 

If you choose the 30 Minute or One Hour Call, you will receive an email inviting you to submit up to two draft essays for review, and set up a time to meet. Pick a time when you are sure you can meet, as appointments generally cannot be rescheduled. During our meeting I will share my initial feedback with you and we can discuss any questions or concerns that you have. After our appointment I will e-mail you the marked up version of the essay(s) for your reference as you revise for your next draft.

For applicants who have completed a full version of their application (i.e. all essays, short answer questions, abstract, grant budget, etc. where applicable), Fellowship Trek provides Final Application Review for a single round of written feedback on the entire application. In addition to high level feedback on your essays, I will read your application holistically with an eye to how all of the pieces fit together, paying attention to how you craft a narrative of who you are as an applicant, your qualifications, experience, skills and personal characteristics, and how your project contributes to the funder's mission.

About Dr. Meinzer

Dr. Meinzer (she/her) has a Ph.D in Political Science from The University of Connecticut and previously directed the British Marshall Scholarship in New England and post-baccalaureate fellowships for the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Program. As a former Boren Fellow (West Bank) and Critical Language Scholarship (Arabic) awardee, she enjoys helping students connect their passion and purpose to fellowships. Dr. Meinzer served as a Fulbright Program Adviser and mentored hundreds of students in her role as Director of National Fellowships at The University of Texas at El Paso. Her students have won Fulbright, Boren, NSF-GRFP, Gilman Scholarships and other honors. Dr. Meinzer held a Consortium for Faculty Diversity Postdoctoral Fellowship at Denison University and an American Council of Learned Societies Leading Edge Fellowship at The Center for Cultural Power, a BIPOC artist-led nonprofit. Her writing on international development, climate change, and culturally responsive mentoring appears in academic publications, and in Jadaliyya, Alliance Magazine and Inside Higher Ed.

Supported Fellowships

Essay review is available these, and related awards:

American Association of University Women Fellowships
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowships
Boren AwardsNOAA Hollings and EPP/MSI Scholarship
Council of American Overseas Research Centers Fellowships
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program
Critical Language Scholarships
Payne Fellowship
Frederick Douglass Global Fellowship (video script)
Pickering Fellowship

Ford Foundation Fellowships
Rangel Fellowship
Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship
Social Science Research Council IDRF
Fulbright U.S. Student Program Study/Research
Smithsonian Fellowships
Fulbright Hays DDRA
Schwarzman Scholarship
Goldwater Scholarship
Spencer Foundation Fellowships
International Research & Exchanges Fellowships
Truman Scholarship
Marshall Scholarship
Udall Scholarship
Mellon/ACLS Fellowships
U.S. Institute of Peace Fellowships
Mitchell Scholarship

Wenner-Gren Fellowships

If you are applying for an award not listed above, e-mail [email protected].


When should I request essay review from Fellowship Trek?

Applicants typically go through 5-12 drafts of each essay. The best time to request an essay review from Fellowship Trek is when you have a full draft of your essay. This draft should address all parts of the prompt, and be close to the total word count or page limit set by the fellowship program.

Who else can give me feedback?

I encourage applicants to get feedback from multiple sources, starting with their family and friends, campus writing center and fellowships office. After you've revised your first few drafts, ask for feedback from your professors, including those writing your letters of recommendation. 

What if my campus doesn't have a fellowships office?

Search your campus website for the name of the fellowship ('Fulbright,' 'Truman,' etc.) to see if there is a faculty advisor for that program. You can also search the campus advisor/representative database on most fellowship programs' websites. If your college or university does not have a designated advisor for your fellowship, ask your academic advisor to connect you with faculty and staff on campus who have advised fellowship applicants. You can also search your campus website for professors who are experts in your field of study or project topic, and ask them if they would be willing to meet with you to discuss your ideas and read a draft or two of your essays. Applicants can also reach out to recent fellowship awardees for advice on their proposed project. 


E-mail Essay Review

Two rounds of written feedback on one draft essay via e-mail. I will give you high level feedback on your draft, and a second round of feedback on your revisions.


30 Minute Call

30 minute Zoom or phone call to discuss one draft essay. I will provide live feedback and we can talk about concerns or questions you have about your essay and your overall application.


1 Hour Call

60 minute Zoom or phone call to discuss one or more of your draft essays. I will provide live feedback and we can talk about concerns or questions you have about your essays and your overall application.


Final Application Review

One round of written feedback on the entire application, including your essays and short answer questions. This is for applicants at the final stages of the writing process who want holistic feedback on how the different parts of their application fit together to make a compelling case for their project.

Total: $0.00


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